The Evolution of a Dish:

Introducing meez 'Docs'

The full culinary content management solution

The original idea for building meez actually came in 2003 when I lost a notebook of recipes that was near and dear to me, and I vowed to make sure every recipe, idea, and note I had was documented digitally.

It was one of the many little pocket notebooks I (like most chefs) kept to jot down all of my thoughts and ideas, and also everything I was learning. This particular notebook contained all of the salumi techniques I was learning while working at a Salumeria in NYC run by Chef Batali. I worded for free in the mornings before my dinner shift started at Tabla Restaurant, and kept a separate notebook for Tabla too. The salumi notebook contained every little detail about temperature, humidity, texture, and process to make almost every Italian cured meat you can think of. I lost the notebook while trailing on my day off at another restaurant, and I was devastated.

That was back in 2003. Of course, nowadays, there are lots of ways to prevent this, things like Evernote, OneNote, Google Docs, Apple Notes, etc. As we began building what would become meez, I knew we had to step up our game.

The vision for meez has always been for your entire body of culinary work to live in one place.  That means of course all of your recipes in a scalable, convertible, and sharable format. But we all know that recipes are much more than just a list of ingredients. And more than just recipes, meez should have everything related to your culinary work in one place -- whether that's your business or your personal content.

I can't tell you how excited I am to finally introduce our newest feature, Docs!

A ‘Doc’ is a collaborative and shareable ‘document’ you can now create directly within meez.  

Use Docs for all of your document storage and distribution.

It's all searchable within your meez, sharable with view or edit access, printable, and lives in the cloud for anyone you want to collaborate or work with.

  • Brainstorm ideas and jot down thoughts
  • Collaborate on R&D notes with your team
  • Add videos, photos, checklists, and tables
  • Paste in your web pages, word docs, spreadsheets, and PDFs
  • Create training materials and SOPs
  • Keep your team up to date with news and events
  • Digitize and distribute your Culinary IP

Here are a few of my personal favorite ways to use Docs:

Create a restaurant concept and license the IP all built within your meez!

If you're thinking of creating a new restaurant concept and/or licensing your current brand, meez is the perfect place to store all of your content including SOPs, training documentation, vides, FDD docs, and of course all of your recipes!

Add all your recipe files into meez with one paste, then get them converted meez recipe format as you go

We all know it's overwhelming to think about transferring all of your recipes into the database. They are in so many places right now I bet.  Evernote, Google Docs, spreadsheets, etc. Well, lighten the lift up front, and just drop them all into docs in meez.  They are now all searchable by any word, then slowly convert them over to the meez recipe format (it's super quick to add recipes already, but this makes step one an easy go)!

Create Checklists & SOPs

From onboarding checklists, new menu roll out checklists, to Docs on 'How to organize the walk in' and 'How to setup your station'.  All of this can live in your meez in Docs shared with your team.

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Recipe Uploading
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Food Cost Optimization
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Inventory Setup
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