
Get the flexibility, efficiency, and scale you need to manage your team's recipes.
Pay Annually
Save up to 50%
Pay Monthly
Any food or beverage pro looking to store and organize all of your recipes for life, plus share recipes amongst colleagues.
Sign up for free
What's Included
Core Features
Single Contributor
Personal Database
Unlimited Recipes & Recipe Books
Auto-Scaling and Auto-Unit Conversions
Publish Recipes to the web & social
Share recipes with friends and colleagues
billed at $216 USD/year
Small kitchen teams to stay in sync with daily recipe production and training.
Take a tour
What's Included
Everything in FREE plus...
Single Contributor
Recipe Costing (manual entry)
Recipe Training and Videos
Auto-Sum Total Yield
Baker's Percentage
1 Cost Import per month
Export Order Lists
Additional Contributors
billed at $948 USD/year
Collaborate with your chefs and managers, import costs, generate nutrition labels, or dial in allergen tagging.
Take a tour
Everything in BUSINESS plus...
Unlimited Contributors
Unlimited Viewers per Location
Menu Item Cost Reporting
Team Permission Management
USDA Nutrition Labeling
Automated Allergen Tagging
Create Docs
Unlimited Import / Export
What's Included
billed at $1908 USD/year
Get real time automated recipe & menu costing connected to your purchases, plus advanced menu building, engineering, and dedicated meez support.
Get a demo
What's Included
Everything in PREMIUM plus...
Menu Engineering & Menu Sales
Menu Insights & Purchasing Analytics Dashboard
Automated Ingredient Cost Updates
Invoice Processing & Scanning
Purchasing Dashboard
Vendor EDI
Connect to other BackOffice Systems
Import POS Sales
Create Shoppable Ingredients


For larger multi-unit organizations, consultants, advanced data or integration needs, or white label solutions.
Contact Sales

Compare All Features

Pay Annually
Save up to 50%
Pay Monthly


$0 USD/mo
$0 USD/mo
Sign up for free


$18 USD/mo/location
$35 USD/mo/location
Take a tour


$79 USD/mo/location
$109 USD/mo/location
Take a tour

Premium Plus

$159 USD/mo/location
$199 USD/mo/location
Get a demo
Create & Share
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Unlimited recipes & recipe books
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Magical recipe scaling & unit conversion
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Publish recipes to the web/social
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Share recipe copies with colleagues
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Team & Training
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Contributors Included (Owner / Editor / Manager)
Add Contributors
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Read-Only Viewers per location
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Advanced Permission Access
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Food Costing, Inventory, & Purchasing
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Recipe costing (manual entry)
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Import Recipe Costs (spreadsheets)
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1 per month
Get Order Lists
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Export recipe costs
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Import Costs Using Other Inventory Systems
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Invoice Processing & Scanning
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Menu Insights & Purchasing Analytics Dashboard
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Vendor EDI
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Basic Menu Item Cost Reporting
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Import Sales Data
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Advanced Menu Costing with Sales Data
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Menu Engineering
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Inventory Counting
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$99 per mo per location
AP Automation
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$59 per mo per location
Inventory Counting + AP Automation Bundle
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$129 per mo per location
Recipe data export feed
Requires Annual Plan - Contact Sales
Advanced Functions & Features
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Create docs
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Recipe training (single-location)
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Auto-sum total yield
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Bakers percentage recipes
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Automated allergen tagging
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USDA nutrition labeling
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Data Warehouse Access
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Customer Support & Onboarding
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Chat Support
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Asynchronous Onboarding
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Services (Recipe Uploads, audits...)
Trusted by thousands of kitchens around the world

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does onboarding take?
How do I get my recipes into meez?
How do I get my ingredient costs into meez?
Is there a mobile app?
Can I still print recipes?
Are there any setup fees?
What is a concept?