The Evolution of a Dish:

Summer 2022 Product Updates

As the seasons change, we thought we’d take the opportunity to catch you up on three improvements we made to meez this summer to help you cook smarter & faster. 

1. Manager access

Before Manager access, certain capabilities—such as editing purchase items—were reserved only for the account owner.But many meez users told us they wanted to be able to let their managers and shift leaders take on these responsibilities. 

Enter Manager Access.

In simplest form–costing is no longer just an account owner thing–you can now empower any team member by making them a Manager:

Access level comparison

And you can even set specific permissions for tricky situations. Like for example, your Dir of Operations needs to view recipes, map purchase items, and update costs. But NOT edit recipes. That person should be set up as a Viewer-Manager.

To add Manager access to a team member, simply go to “Manage Team,” click the three dots next to a team member and click “Edit Team Member” and then toggle on the appropriate “Manager” boxes!  And wah-lah! Your team members will be empowered to take more ownership of keeping your kitchen running smooth. (Please note this is a paid upgrade; managers cost $25/month.)

2. Auto-sum total yield

We also introduced auto-sum total yield to improve accuracy even further. meez is not the only place where you can get the total sum of your recipe yield no matter what units of measure you use. To be honest, this took a lot of fancy math on our side to account for all the different unit of measures and conversions, but hey—that’s what we’re here for! And now, calculating your total yield is one less thing you have to think about.

3. Refer-a-friend

One of the biggest ways people hear about meez is when people like you refer friends! If you’ve tried referring friends to meez in the past, you know it used to be a pretty complicated process. We took your feedback and totally rebuilt it to make a way simpler process. Now, all you have to do is copy your “refer-a-friend” link like this:

In-app referral dialogue box

Then share it out via email, social channels, text, or…anywhere really! Anyone who signs up using your link will be automatically attributed to you. If someone you refer becomes a paying customer for at least 3 months, you’ll get an email inviting you to claim your $150 reward! 

Oh, and one more thing that’s coming soon…

3. Percentage of total ingredients 

When you’re working on a recipe, sometimes you just think in percentages—especially during R&D or when working with charcuterie or pastry. 

Now, we can already hear the debate: Baker’s percentages or total weight percentages? What if… you can choose? If you work with percentages of the total recipe, just switch that on. And bakers, you can turn on hydration percentages with your choice of base ingredients. meez does the math automatically and lets you cook even smarter!

Percentage of ingredients

Watch for future updates from us, this one’s coming soon! We hope you like these three improvements. It only scratches the surface on all the improvements we’ve made to meez recently! 

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