The Evolution of a Dish:

meez Release Notes

4.4.1 April 22, 2024

We're thrilled to announce another major release packed with groundbreaking updates and crucial enhancements to elevate your experience with our platform. Let's dive into the highlights:

Purchase Item Table Refactor: Performance Boost and Future Readiness

  • This release marks a significant milestone with a major refactor of our Purchase Item Table (PIT). Not only does this overhaul improve performance around the current PIT experience, but it also sets the stage for handling multi-location purchase data and historical data more efficiently.
  • While this refactor is underway, please note that there may be some observed issues:
    • PIT items imported before the release won't display until migration is complete. However, items added after the release will perform as expected.
    • Ingredient costs set before the release won't display in certain locations until after migration is complete. Recipe costs calculated before the release will display as expected.
    • Modifying a recipe will work as expected.
  • Additionally, we'll be pausing the data pipeline temporarily to validate model changes, which may result in a 1-2 day delay in the internal or analytics dashboard updates.

Why Do All This?

  • We anticipate several benefits, including:
    • Eliminating or drastically reducing PIT zombies.
    • Improved performance and load times.
    • Ability to display historical data in the app in the future.
    • Proper display of purchase item information by location in the future.

Inventory Updates: Enhancements Galore

  • We're continuing to roll out enhancements to the inventory model, making it easier to navigate, handle multiple locations, and review/edit submitted sheet counts.
  • Notable updates include:
    • Inventory now accessible in the Side Menu, subject to owner account inventory settings.
    • Improved inventory location selector, grouping by concept and location.
    • Ability to edit a submitted sheet count, including modifying quantity and saving updates.

Key Bug Fixes:

  • Recipe headers now save properly.
  • Subrecipes move correctly when parent recipes are moved to a new concept.
  • Disappearing menus issue resolved.
  • Proper scaling of $0.00 cost ingredients.
  • Editor can now see the "Access" section on Recipe Books.

We're committed to delivering exceptional value and functionality to empower your success. Your feedback and support are invaluable to us, so please continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions.

4.3.1 March 27, 2024

We're thrilled to unveil our most significant release of the year, packed with innovative features and crucial improvements to elevate your experience with our platform. Let's dive into the highlights:

Analytics: Unveiling Our Data Insights

  • This release marks the debut of our highly anticipated Analytics feature, representing a major milestone in our journey.
  • To ensure a seamless introduction, we're initiating a two-week soft launch period. During this time, we'll validate the feature's functionality, gather early feedback from you, our valued users, and fine-tune any aspects before ramping up marketing efforts.
  • Stay tuned as we prepare to unveil a powerful tool that will revolutionize how you analyze and leverage data within your operations.

Inventory: Stealthy Rollout

  • Alongside Analytics, we're introducing Inventory, another cornerstone of our platform's evolution.
  • As part of our strategic migration away from Hospitality Innovation, Inventory will initially be accessible via direct URL navigation.
  • Rest assured, our team is hard at work adding functionality to Inventory, paving the way for its public release in the near future.

Key Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Improved Cost Display: Ingredients with valid costs will now display as $0.00 instead of "Cost Not Set," providing clarity and accuracy in your financial tracking.
  • Enhanced Logic for Cost Calculation: We've refined the logic surrounding prep actions and equivalency in cost calculation, ensuring precise and reliable results.
  • Optimized Performance: Automated jobs now run during lower traffic periods, significantly improving overall performance and user experience.
  • Menu Sales Import Fix: Sales import for menus now displays correct data, eliminating discrepancies and ensuring accurate reporting.
  • Recipe Ownership Update: New recipes created within a recipe will inherit the parent recipe's ownership, streamlining organization and management.
  • User Interface Improvements: We've updated warning text when adding a concept or location to an account, enhancing clarity and usability.

We're committed to delivering unparalleled value and functionality to empower your success. Your feedback and support are instrumental in shaping our platform's evolution, so please continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions with us.

4.2.1 February 20, 2024

While our engineering team remains focused on bolstering Analytics and Inventory capabilities, we're excited to introduce some impactful improvements and bug fixes in this release.

What's New:

  1. Analytics Integration Begins: We're laying the groundwork for our Analytics functionality with the initial deployment of code into production. This includes a sophisticated feature gating ability within Django, setting the stage for powerful data insights to come.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Say goodbye to pesky bugs! We've squashed issues related to billing info visibility within the application and made significant enhancements to the drag-and-drop user experience.
  3. Performance Boost: We've optimized loading times by removing the Groups and Permission tables from the User Detail Page in Django. This change resolves issues with slow loading and timeouts, ensuring a smoother user experience overall.
  4. Improved Admin Interface: For administrators, we've hidden the Groups and Permission features in the Django Admin User Page to streamline navigation and improve loading performance. Rest assured, these features remain accessible via alternate means.

Important Changes:

  • Analytics Feature Flag: Our Analytics feature is now hidden behind a feature flag as we continue development. Stay tuned for updates as we unlock this powerful functionality.

Bug Fixes:

  • Missing Billing Info: We've resolved an issue that caused billing information and invoice history to go missing from the Profile Page.
  • Editing Disabled During Reordering: To prevent errors, editing is now disabled while rearranging recipe elements.

We're committed to delivering an exceptional user experience, and this release is a testament to that dedication. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to reach out to our engineering and product teams.

4.1.2 January 31st, 2024

We're thrilled to announce our second release of January, meez 4.1.2, packed with exciting enhancements and fixes to elevate your experience in managing recipes and costs. Our team has been hard at work focusing on performance improvements, streamlined workflows, and adding a touch of creativity to make your time with meez even more enjoyable.

Recipe Cost Calculation Improvement

In this release, we've revamped how we load cost values, specifically targeting recipes with multiple locations. Previously, the app calculated the cost for all ingredients at all locations upon loading a recipe, causing delays in performance. Now, we've fine-tuned the process to optimize your experience.

Here's what's changed:

Location-Specific Cost Calculation:

  • From the Recipe Cost Tab, select a location.
  • On selection, location cost will be calculated.
  • Cost will be displayed after the load complete.
  • If users switches to a new location and then back to a previously loaded location, the cost values will be stored and will not require an additional load

Loading Animation

To add a dash of excitement to your wait times, we've introduced a brand new loading animation featuring the dynamic meez logo. Created by our very own Alex during our recent HackaThon, this animation will keep you entertained during loading periods.

The animation showcases:

  • Loading a new page or section.
  • Loading on pages with pagination.
  • Menu Sales Import.

Other Bug Fixes

In addition to the major updates mentioned above, we've addressed several bugs and made the following improvements:

  • Cost Update on Prep Action UoM Equivalency Update: Cost values now update correctly when the prep action UoM equivalency is modified.
  • Recipe Editing Enhancements: Moving headers and ingredients around in a recipe now saves and displays changes accurately.
  • Mobile Single Line Add Ingredients: The mobile single-line add ingredients function now operates seamlessly during searches.
  • Coupon Display: Coupons now display correctly in the user profile.

We're committed to continuously enhancing meez to meet your needs. Thank you for choosing meez, and we hope you enjoy the improved performance and new features in version 4.1.2. Stay tuned for more exciting updates on the horizon!

4.1.1 January 16th, 2024

Greetings meez Community! We're thrilled to usher in the new year with our first release of 2024, marking the end of our code freeze. As with our other code freeze releases, the focus was on cleaning up the existing experience vs developing and deploying new functionality.

Catalog and Purchase Item Synergy

One of the major highlights of this release is the improved synergy between the product catalog and Purchase Item Table (PIT). Now, when mapping a catalog item to an ingredient from the Recipe Cost Tab, the associated Purchase Item will be automatically removed from the PIT. This streamlines the ingredient costing process and ensures accuracy. The catalog item will only remove a PIT entry if specific criteria are met, minimizing errors and redundant work for our valued customers.

Color Consolidation

Behind the scenes, we've executed a massive color consolidation initiative, reducing the number of colors used in the app by a staggering 83.5%. Going from 243 colors to just 40 brings enhanced consistency to our front-end development. While this might not be immediately noticeable, it sets the stage for a more streamlined and adaptable user interface.

Nutrition Fixes

We've addressed nutrition-related concerns with precision. Multiple allergens will no longer be displayed redundantly, ensuring a clearer and more concise representation. Net Weight now dynamically updates if you modify the Yield after Cooking, providing a more accurate reflection of nutritional metrics.

Ingredient Tag Enhancements

Enhancements to the Ingredient Tag feature include an improved search experience that accounts for existing tags and an improved loading experience for organization ingredients with tags displayed as “-”.

Other Fixes: A Comprehensive Cleanup

In addition to the key highlights, we've resolved over 40 issues, ensuring a more polished and reliable meez experience, including:

  • Recipes will no longer revert to sub-recipe if you select an ingredient of the same name
  • Cleaned up tease logic for downgraded users so they see the correct items
  • Users will no longer see a modal immediately pop up when they switch accounts
  • Menu Date Range will not reset after a single change
  • Billing Info will be displayed on profile page correctly

3.12.2 - December 12, 2023

Hot on the heels of our recent code freeze, we're thrilled to introduce our second release within a single week—something we've eagerly anticipated all year. This latest update focuses on fine-tuning the user experience and tackling lingering bugs, bringing efficiency and reliability to the forefront.

Optimizing Menus for Seamless Performance

The standout feature of this release lies in our significant overhaul of menu performance, particularly for larger menus. Through a strategic refactor of our cost calculation methods, we've achieved a staggering 60% reduction in load time. That means faster, smoother navigation through your menus!

Enhancements and Fixes

  • Menu Item Cost Calculation Refactor: Revamped logic for storing recipe item cost values in our database, enabling more efficient menu item recalculations after edits.
  • Public Recipes Functionality: Users can now seamlessly create and view public recipes without encountering error screens.
  • Menu Date Picker Update: Streamlined the date format to neatly fit within the text field for improved usability.
  • Ownership Logic Cleanup: Enhanced logic ensures smoother transitions for recipes when locations are deleted within a concept with multiple locations. Menus for single-concept, single-location customers are now neatly organized under their relevant categories.

Focused Refinement with 7 Tickets

While this release may seem modest with just 7 tickets, each enhancement and fix has been meticulously designed to elevate your meez experience. Our aim is to provide precision, reliability, and efficiency in every aspect of the platform.

This release embodies our commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring a more streamlined and optimized meez experience for all our users. Stay tuned for more enhancements as we constantly strive to refine and perfect your meez journey.

Your feedback drives us, and we're committed to delivering an exceptional experience in 2024. Thank you for being a part of the meez community!

3.12.1 - December 6, 2023

As the holiday season draws near, we're thrilled to present our first release amidst the end-of-year code freeze. We've rolled out 59 enhancements aimed at making your meez experience even better.

Prep Action Enhancements

  • Calculation Cleanup: Improved handling of prep actions with container values (e.g., Lime) for accurate calculations.
  • Duplicate Protection: Enhanced safeguards to prevent duplicate prep actions and removed any existing duplicates.
  • Clean-Up Logic: Streamlined prep actions to retain the latest one created while eliminating other variations. Recipes using duplicates will now use the latest prep action.

Menu Clean Up

  • Enhanced Sales Import Loading: Pages won't hang during import loading, ensuring a smoother experience.
  • Improved Date Picker Style: Refined style and user experience for the date picker.
  • Optimized Location Selector: Better handling of lengthy location lists or improved performance.
  • Mobile & Tablet Navigation: Prevented users from hitting dead ends after creating menus on mobile or tablet devices.

Django Search Enhancements

  • Tags Filtering: Employees can now filter tags by owner for improved search capabilities.
  • User Search: Enhanced the ability to search users by account code within the system.

Additional Fixes & Improvements

  • Homepage Sorting: Now properly sorts by Last Viewed and owner, enhancing navigation.
  • Nutrition Display: Improved logic for the 'May Contain' section in recipe nutrition details.
  • Product Catalog Search: Users can now perform multiple searches after initially selecting a product for the Cost Tab.

3.11.1 - November 15, 2023

In our final major release of 2023, we are introducing Menu Sales Import Data, to help customers more quickly get their POS sales data into their menu. We also are adding product catalog support on the Recipe Cost Tab. This will give our Gordon Culinary Pro customers the ability to view available products for purchase right from the recipe view and use those costs for their recipes.

Menu Sales Import Data

This functionality empowers Premium Plus menu users to seamlessly import CSV or Excel sales reports directly into their meez menu. Once imported, it updates quantities sold and average sell prices for matching menu items. New items within the report not present in your menu? No worries! They'll automatically generate as new menu items.

Order Guides for Gordon Culinary Pro Customers

Exclusive to GFS customers, we're introducing Order Guides! This feature enables Gordon Culinary Pro users to effortlessly search and add catalog items to their recipes from the Recipe Cost Tab. Need access? Simply reach out to Sarah to initiate the onboarding process.

Django Admin Enhancements

We've enhanced Django's functionality by expanding filter and search capabilities, ensuring improved usability for our team members.

Other Notable Improvements

  • Mobile Zoom Functionality: Enjoy improved zoom capabilities when meez is bookmarked as a homepage.
  • Streamlined Track Variance: The "Track variance" feature will be hidden until a menu item is added.
  • Recipe Scaling Logic Enhancement: Better scaling logic for ingredients/sub-recipes involving oz-wt units.
  • New Menu Teaser Image: Get a glimpse of the new menu with our latest teaser image.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • Printing recipes on mobile that include sub recipes with their own sub recipes should now properly include all the expected recipes in the print out
  • Recipes/ingredients that are created by an Editor within an organizations' recipe/menu should no longer get created as “personal”. The Recipes/Ingredients should now always inherit their ownership from the recipe/menu they were created from
  • Recipe cost within the recipe’s Cost tab will no longer exclude sub recipes from the cost calculation if the sub recipe includes any ingredient with no cost. Going forward, the sub recipe partial cost will be included in the recipe cost calculations
  • App no longer triggers false ‘Oops’ error pages when browsing
  • Menu and recipe cost calculations no longer include the “Default” ingredient cost or costs of any Locations that the menu/recipe does not belong to when calculating “average cost of other locations”

Depreciation Notice

Please be aware that as of November 2023, the setting for “General Yield %” within Ingredient UoM Equivalency tab is no longer supported.

3.10.2 - October 31, 2023

In our second October release, we focused on enhancing menu experiences for premium tier users, refining Purchase Item mapping, and implementing crucial updates under the hood for a smoother user experience.

Menus Enhancement

  • Premium Tier Encouragement: We've extended teasers within menus to entice premium tier accounts towards the Premium Plus tier, offering more value and benefits.
  • Streamlined UI: For premium accounts, the "Track variance" toggle within menus is now intelligently hidden and teased, optimizing the experience.

Purchase Item Mapping Refinements

  • Consistency in Language: Adopting consistent language by changing "pUOM" to "Purchase Units" throughout the platform.
  • Enhanced Editing: Clearer edit buttons on the Recipe Cost tab and uniform pencil icons ensure smoother navigation and interaction for users managing purchase items.

Backend Enhancements

  • Faster Calculations: Significant backend updates have been made to move cost calculations, ensuring faster and consistent calculations between menu and recipe views, delivering a seamless experience.

User Interface Improvements

  • Enhanced Clarity: Several improvements, including clearer Recipe Book instruction text and uniform colors on action icons, enhance the overall user experience.
  • Streamlined Functionality: Printing to PDF from mobile devices has been refined to ensure ingredient lines display accurately.

Bug Fixes

Numerous bug fixes have been implemented, addressing issues such as undefined ingredient filters, erroneous cost tab error messages, infinite loops in ingredient changes, and more.

  • Recipe Details: Resolved issue causing an infinite loop when changing one bad ingredient to another.
  • Custom Batch Creation: Users can now define custom batches without encountering errors.
  • Ingredient Cost Accuracy: Fixed display error showing extremely high costs for items under $1 with high purchase unit conversions.
  • History Log Correction: The Copy Recipe/Docs History Log now accurately identifies the creator.
  • Location ID Update: Location IDs now retroactively update in the Product Item Table (PIT) when edited in the Concepts page.
  • Undefined Ingredients Filter: Rectified the filter displaying recipes as undefined despite containing no undefined items.
  • Total Cost Error Icon: Addressed the display issue showing error icons for total cost when recipe items were correct.
  • Location Cost Display: Fixed the display issue showing "purchase unit not defined" when removing cost from a location.
  • Recipe Cost Tab Message: Corrected error messages related to undefined units on the recipe cost tab.
  • Mobile PDF Printing: Fixed formatting issues causing ingredient lines to appear as two lines instead of one while printing to PDF from mobile devices.

3.10.1 - October 10, 2023

This latest update introduces significant improvements to our user interface and Menus feature.

Menus Upgrade

  • Expanding Premium Access: We've expanded Premium access to menus, offering more features to our valued users.
  • Differentiating Premium Offerings: Now offering Limited menu + teasers exclusively for Premium users, enhancing the value proposition for each tier.
  • Streamlined Management: Users can now manage menus directly from the meez admin Profile page, simplifying menu oversight.
  • Flexible Downgrading: Enjoy the flexibility of downgrading menus to a lower tier effortlessly.

Costing and Purchase Items Enhancement

  • Efficient Auto-Matching: Introducing auto-matching UOM patterns to facilitate quicker creation of purchase units during import, reducing manager effort and time spent on data entry.

User Interface Improvements

  • Enhanced Payment Section: The Profile page's payment section now displays Country and State as drop-downs for smoother user interaction.
  • Improved Clarity: We've revamped UI elements for clearer action icons and warnings on menu item linked elements, boosting user understanding.
  • Refined Messaging: Text prompts on the multiline Recipe Creation Modal and on Copy Ingredient success messages are now clearer for better comprehension.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Issues: Fixed bugs including PIT item selection restrictions, incorrect permissions in some recipes, and ingredient visibility in Safari's PIT search.

3.9.1 - September 11, 2023

This release includes a host of improvements and bug fixes aiming to elevate user experience and resolve several issues encountered within our platform.

Key Highlights

  • Export Enhancement: Ingredient tags are now included as a new column in the Order list export. This addition allows users to leverage tags efficiently in their operational workflows, providing better organization and categorization of ingredients.
  • Variant Ingredient Copy: Customers now have the capability to copy variant ingredients directly from the Ingredient detail page to the More menu. This feature empowers users to create multiple ingredients, each associated with different purchase items, qualities, and costs.
  • Prep Action Adjustment: Refinements have been made regarding when to apply prep action unit conversion and how to handle scenarios where the conversion needed for cost calculations is absent.
  • Enhanced Menu Display: Improvements have been made to update how menu item errors are displayed and to enable the expand/collapse function for all ingredients on the recipe cost tab, allowing quicker access to vendor details.

Bug Fixes

The release also addresses multiple bugs reported by users, including issues related to inaccurate menu cost calculations, sub-recipes not relocating correctly, problems with menu item errors, and various interface glitches.

3.8.2 - August 20, 2023

This release centers on finalizing the Shoppable Ingredients feature, alongside various clean-up efforts to enhance user experience.

Key Highlights

  • Shoppable Ingredients Enhancement: The highlight of this release is the completion of the Shoppable feature. Now, users encountering a recipe with a shoppable ingredient will notice a distinctive "Shopping Cart" icon beside it. This icon, when clicked, directs users to a dedicated shoppable page. Note that this feature is accessible only to accounts with the Shoppable feature enabled.
  • Menu Page Improvement: As part of ongoing enhancements, the menus page now displays menu cost percentage aggregate statistics with two decimal places. This refined display provides more detailed insights, illustrating, for instance, that 0.50% of $3M revenue equates to $15,000 in savings.

Major Updates

  • Shoppable Clickable Icon: Implementation of the clickable "Shopping Cart" icon for shoppable ingredients, enabling direct access to purchase pages
  • Menu Cost Percentage Enhancement: Addition of two decimal places to the menu cost percentage aggregate statistic for more precise representation

3.8.1 - August 9, 2023

In this significant update, we introduces a series of improvements, particularly focused on menu enhancements and the initial phase of the Product Catalog project. The primary highlights include:

  • Menu Enhancement Efforts: Continuing the dedicated focus on menus, this release unveils a suite of new user experience (UX) enhancements. These updates aim to bring the platform closer to a public launch, ensuring a smoother, more intuitive experience for users interacting with menus.
  • Product Catalog Initiation: The introduction of the Edit Cost Slide-in on the recipe page marks the initial step in the larger Product Catalog project. This slide-in feature aligns with the existing modal, setting the groundwork for upcoming enhancements and the incorporation of product catalog items into the platform's costing structure.
  • Shoppable Ingredients Experiment: A new feature, Shoppable Ingredients, emerges as a sales enablement experiment to be tested with GFS. This innovative addition allows sales representatives to construct recipes shareable with customers. Ingredients linked to a shoppable URL will display an icon, enabling direct access to purchase the associated product. This feature, introduced as an MVP, aims to explore its performance and effectiveness.

Additional Updates

This release encompasses several pivotal updates, including:

  • Cost Tab Styling: Enhanced styling for the Cost Tab to improve visual clarity and ease of use.
  • Cost Slide-in Parity: Updates to the Cost Slide-in functionality to ensure alignment and similarity with the existing modal.
  • Shoppable Feature: Introduction of the Shoppable feature for testing and sales enablement.
  • Recipe Cost Exporting: Improvements in exporting recipe costs to ensure accuracy and matching.
  • Menu Cleanup & Accuracy: Multiple updates aimed at refining menu details, ingredient search UX, correct item deletion, and improved costing accuracy.
  • Ingredient Tags: Improvements in handling ingredient tags for better organization and navigation.

3.7.2 - July 24, 2023

This release brings a set of targeted improvements aimed at refining user interactions and organizing elements within the meez application:

  • Integrating Purchase Item Data: Phase 1 initiates the integration of purchase item data into the recipe cost tab. This move aligns with our goal to enhance the cost analysis within recipes, and we'll further streamline this feature based on user feedback for better usability.
  • Recipe "Tools" Renamed to "Tags": To better align with how customers utilize this feature, the term "Tools" within recipes has been renamed to "Tags" across the application. This change aims to reflect its broader usage beyond tool-related functionalities.
  • Menu Location Reordering: The menu location in the "+New Menu" section has been adjusted to improve the flow and organization. Now positioned after Recipe Books and before Docs, this reordering enhances the user experience when creating menus within meez.

3.7.1 - July 9, 2023

This release marks a focus on enhancing the user experience by rolling out much-needed improvements that were pending behind our major earlier release this year.

Here are some key highlights:

  • Bulk Recipe Management: Users can now remove recipes from a recipe book in bulk without deletion, improving recipe book organization and management.
  • Enhanced Ingredient Cost Export: The ingredient cost export now includes the purchase item name, enhancing clarity and context in cost-related data.
  • Prep Step Display: Recipes will now display prep steps even if there are no associated ingredients, improving usability and clarity in recipe viewing.
  • Reduced Errors: Displaying Unit of Measure (UoM) Equivalency in dropdowns aims to reduce errors by allowing easier selection rather than creating new ones.
  • Improved User Onboarding: New users invited to meez will bypass the trial phase, streamlining the onboarding process for a smoother start.
  • Enhanced Communication: Users can now copy and paste multiple emails in "Send A Copy" and "Grant View Access" flows, facilitating quicker and more efficient communication.
  • Mobile Printing Upgrades: Improved mobile and tablet printing capabilities now include scaling data and enriched information from recipes, enhancing the printing experience with images, notes, avatars, stations, tools, and shelf life.

This release includes over 150 stories, bug fixes, and enhancements aimed at enhancing the overall user experience.

3.6.1 - June 19, 2023

This release marks the introduction of Menus, offering a robust set of functionalities to manage and analyze menu items. Additionally, it includes crucial bug fixes and enhancements across various aspects of the platform to ensure a smoother user experience.

Introduction of Menus (Alpha Build)

We're thrilled to announce the alpha release of the Menus feature! This initial build won't be universally available; instead, it'll be selectively enabled for specific customers as we validate and refine the product.

Key highlights of this release include:
  • Desktop-Exclusive Experience: Menus functionality will be accessible solely via desktop.
  • Menu Management: Users gain the ability to create, edit, and delete menus.
  • Menu Items Creation: Users can create menu items and associate them with recipes and ingredients.
  • Manually Entered Sales Data: Options to input price, quantity, and various insights into menu item data, such as revenue, gross profit, and sales percentage.
  • Menu Costing Data and Insights: Aggregate costing details for menu items, including menu cost percentage, revenue, and profit.
Significant Enhancements and Bug Fixes

We've also rolled out a series of enhancements and bug fixes in this release:

  • Menu Costing Data and Insights: Aggregate costing details for menu items, including menu cost percentage, revenue, and profit.
  • Ingredient Item Cost Table Maintenance: Addressed issues with maintaining "purchase_item_name" in the ingredient item cost table.
  • Order List Export: Improved the inclusion of purchase item names in the Order List export.
  • Nutritional Values from Sub-Recipes: Resolved discrepancies in nutritional value extraction from sub-recipes.
  • Nutrition Export Discrepancies: Aligned data displayed in the Nutrition Export with in-app label data.
  • Recipe PDF Printing: Resolved issues with exporting recipes to PDF when none were found.
  • Mobile Printing: Fixed missing page numbers and excluded notes in PDFs when printing from mobile devices

3.5.1 - May 15, 2023

This release focuses on updating core front-end libraries to their latest versions, ensuring a more stable and efficient meez application.

Front-End Library Updates

In this release, we've prioritized updating the majority of our front-end libraries to their latest versions. This includes key frameworks like MUI (Material UI), React, React Router, and TypeScript. By leveraging these recent versions, we aim to enhance the stability and performance of the meez app while preserving its current functionalities. Moreover, this update equips our front-end team with improved development efficiency and empowers them to deliver higher-quality outputs.

Significant Bug Fixes

  • Zombie Purchase Items (High Priority): Addressed high-priority issues related to new ingredient zombies in purchase items.
  • Zombie Purchase Items (Medium Priority): Resolved medium-priority concerns regarding cost errors and undefined errors in purchase items.

3.3.1 - Mar 27, 2023

This release emphasizes granular control over recipe book visibility, expansion of historical tracking, and a multitude of bug fixes, enhancing user control, accountability, and usability within meez.

Recipe Book Access Control by Location

Empowering customers with refined control over recipe book visibility across locations within their organization. Previously, all recipe books were universally visible, leading to confusion when certain recipes within them were hidden for specific locations. Now, users can:

  • Limit Visibility: Control which locations have access to specific recipe books.
  • Choice of Concept and Location: Offer options to select concept and location while creating new recipe books.
  • Matching Ownership: Align ownership of created recipe books within New Recipe functionality.
  • Assigning Recipes and Docs: Show recipe books owned by locations where the user holds editor rights.

Expansion of History Log

Continuing the development of an extensive history log for recipes, ingredients, and recipe books. By tracking more events, owners and editors gain insight into the active use of their content, fostering accountability for sharing, printing, and other actions related to recipes.

Bug Fixes and Known Issues Fixed this Month

  • Viewers' Nutrition Label Access: Preventing viewers from accessing organization nutrition labels in case of label errors.
  • Cost Display Issues: Rectified problems displaying ingredient costs properly on recipe pages.
  • PIT Mapping and Importing: Addressed issues related to purchase items in the Purchase Item Table (PIT) and their mapping to ingredients.
  • UI Glitches: Fixed various UI anomalies affecting display windows, custom batch views, ingredient search pop-ups, and warning messages.
  • Export and Mobile Fixes: Resolved issues related to export functionalities, mobile recipe creation, viewer permissions, and image loading in public recipes.

3.2.1 - Feb 13, 2023

This release focuses on improving export functionalities, enhancing mobile usability, optimizing core processes like PIT, and addressing numerous bugs to ensure a more stable and efficient meez platform.

Purchase Attributes in Order List Export

Revamped the order list export feature by reintroducing purchase attributes, including Purchase UoM and supporting attributes for various purchasing activities. This enhancement aids in two main scenarios: refining recipe prep lists and streamlining purchase order lists.

Auto Creation of Newly Imported Purchase UoM

Implemented support for importing ingredient costs with new, popular UOM patterns. These patterns are now automatically created in the purchase item table, reducing the user's manual effort.

PIT Optimization and Fixes

Addressed underlying issues in the Purchase Item Table (PIT) to ensure smoother functionality:

  • Items now stay in the PIT after being fixed.
  • Resolved incomplete imports, such as missing cost data.

Mobile UI Improvements

Streamlined the mobile experience by reducing unnecessary spacing in modal headers, enhancing usability across various displays.

Component Hover Text

Introduced hover text in critical areas, particularly where buttons lacked clear labels, aiding in user navigation and comprehension.

Significant Bug Fixes

These fixes spanned a wide range of issues, from UI inconsistencies to critical errors affecting user interactions and data accuracy.

  • Recipe Nutrition Tab: Corrected errors when Serving Size isn't set.
  • Grey Label Data: Rectified display discrepancies in grey label invitations.
  • Mobile Modal Experience: Resolved glitches during scrolling within modals.
  • Logging Issues: Fixed problems with logging after forced logouts.

3.1.1 - Jan 4, 2023

This release focuses on enhancing user experiences, streamlining processes, expanding functionality, and addressing various bugs to ensure a smoother and more efficient meez application.

Integration with FlatFile

Streamline the process of importing ingredient costs by integrating with FlatFile, replacing direct imports into the app.

User Sign Up Improvements

  • Help Text Optimization: Eliminated duplicate help text placeholders for input boxes.
  • Terms of Use Simplification: Replaced the checkbox on Signup Screens with a clearer statement - "Signup = Agreement."
  • New User Survey: Skip VideoAsk and proceed directly to a brief new-user survey on the app landing page.

Recipe Creation Enhancements

  • Desktop Flow: Improved the process of creating new recipes on desktop devices with copy changes and an automatic display of the "import recipe" modal during recipe creation.
  • Bulk Add Modal: All desktop users creating a recipe via the "+New" button will now encounter the bulk add modal as the initial view for adding ingredients and prep steps.

Mobile User Experience

  • Recipe Edit Mode: Enhanced the mobile experience in recipe edit mode by relocating the active ingredient selection to the top of the screen for easier access to all values in the ingredient table.
  • History Log Updates: Expanded the range of actions tracked and displayed in the history log, including exports, shares, printing, etc.

Technical Enhancements

  • ElasticSearch Indexing: Improved the indexing process and runtime for ElasticSearch.

Bug Fixes

Numerous bug fixes addressing issues such as:

  • Loading loops during ingredient conversion to prep action.
  • Errors when deleting recipes or copying recipe books.
  • Display issues with ingredients, quantities, and units alignment.
  • Inability to remove notes from a recipe's ingredients.
  • Performance degradation with prolonged app usage.
  • User association problems during Gray Label signups.
  • Permissions errors when changing ownership or importing certain data.
  • Various issues with recipe names, character limitations, and UI alignment.
  • Problems with shared recipes and switching between user accounts.
  • Handling of deleted items in the purchase items table.

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