Partner with meez

Participate in meez's success while spreading the word about the recipe tool that's helping the industry cook smarter & faster.

Pick what fits you best

for individuals

For meez users on paid plans who are thought leaders in the industry with their own audience. Earn $200 per paid referral.*


For innovative companies looking to collaborate to deliver more value to their customers.

Interested in reseller partnerships? Email us here.

Ambassador Partners

Are you a paying meez user with an audience who looks to you for advice and best practices? Share meez with them and get rewarded.

  • green checked logo
    Earn $200 per paying referral*
  • green checked logo
    Available to paying meez users accepted into program
Refer a Customer

Tech Partners

Looking to leverage meez's product capabilities for your product? We're interested in working with innovative companies who are pushing the industry forward.

  • green checked logo
    Delivery more value to your customers
  • green checked logo
    Integrate unique recipe data
Contact us
*Referred user must pay for 3 consecutive months (if purchasing a monthly plan).
Full terms available here: Ambassador Program, Affiliate Program.